is this really true or another conspiracy theory? Illias reports "RFID = Radio frequency defice, satelite detectible. Mass Quarantine = H1n1 Vaccine is mandotory This video talks about the force vaccination, and martial law in United State this fall because of the outbreak of swine flu. The government will use the military to force vaccination to the citizen, the military will setup roads check points all over united states, and when you come to that road block, you have to prove that you toke the shot, and if you did they will put a tracking bracelet devices stating you are vaccinated. If you haven't taking the swine flu, the military at the checkpoint will offered you to get vaccinated, if you refuse to take the vaccine (which 87% of doctors and nurses in the states refuse to take it), they will put you in concentration camps build by FEMA.Once you've been taking there, good luck with that. Its martial law brother, that means the real court has no saying when martial is declare, the military takes over the justice." not takin shit